Comprehensive Dental Exam

Comprehensive Dental Exam

Comprehensive Dental Exam

Comprehensive Dental Exam

Total and Comprehensive New Patient Experience

We take a full series of digital dental radiographs at a small fraction of the normal radiation exposure via our wireless sensors. This enables us to study your mouth long after you have left your appointment and make sure that we are fully evaluating your teeth, bones, gums, and any other issues that lie hidden beneath the surface.

dentist at computer

Digital photographs and intraoral pictures (magnified pictures that show great detail to the dentist and team) are taken so that your full evaluation can be insured and easily overlooked issues may be addressed and diagnosed.

Smile Evaluation: Patients have different goals and aspirations for their mouths, from having the most dazzling smile around to having a healthy mouth that they can maintain easily and everything in between. We want to listen to YOUR goals for YOUR oral health and make sure that we address those plans as well as diagnose and completely and thoroughly analyze your oral health and how to maintain/achieve it.​

Head and neck cancer screening: All new patients receive a head and neck evaluation to check for any abnormalities, asymmetries, and areas of concern. Also, normal occurrences that are unique to your mouth are noted and documented.

Full dental charting and record keeping: We maintain records that are thorough and complete of your mouth and its condition from your first visit so that as changes potentially occur in life, we can follow those changes and help to guide you if they are detrimental.

Diet and habit recommendations: Our team is skilled at addressing issues that are negatively impacting your dental health and are there to help you achieve your goals toward better health and habits for the future.

Complete gum assessment: Your gums will be analyzed and evaluated thoroughly and if there are areas for more attention, our highly skilled hygienists are there to help custom fit a plan for you to help to bring your mouth and gums to their optimum health.

​​​​​​​Cleaning and maintenance recommendation: The interval of cleaning your teeth and gums may vary from person to person. WE don’t just assign the same recipe to everyone, we custom fit what would be best for you and your goals and your oral health.

admin none 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM Closed Closed dentist