Our response to COVID-19 to keep us all safe and healthy

Our response to COVID-19 to keep us all safe and healthy

Our response to COVID-19 to keep us all safe and healthy

Our response to COVID-19 to keep us all safe and healthy

We LOVE our patients and our TEAM
Our response to COVID-19 to keep us all safe and healthy

Moving Forward:

It is in the news everywhere and in our thoughts. Your team at MAC Family Dentistry has been meeting regularly, attending online educational courses, keeping a close eye on updates from the CDC and OSHA and our Louisiana Department of Health as well as our dental organizations to be informed of the recommendations and guidelines as they are formed and as they adapt to fit new information being gathered. We are on it.

Please rest assured that you are in a safe environment at MAC Family Dentistry and your safety and health are our priority ALWAYS!

Before this, we were extra careful in your care and in our techniques of disinfection and sterilization and infection control. Now, with the Pandemic having reached our community, we have taken extra steps and precautions above and beyond those recommended.

Stay Well. Stay Hydrated. Eat Nutritiously.
Get plenty of rest/sleep. Take information breaks.

We care about your health and want to encourage everyone to take care of their bodies to keep them resistant to illness.

​​​​​​​What to expect for a visit to our office:

  • In compliance with the CDC recommendations and those of the Louisiana Department of Health, anyone with a cough, fever, or other symptoms indicating illness will not be allowed to enter the building and should stay home. ANYONE. We will gladly reschedule that appointment for a later date, but to keep all safe, we must protect the premises.

  • A few days before your appointment, you will be asked a group of questions pertaining to your health and getting a baseline for your isolation practices. You will be explained what the process for your appointment will be.

  • Upon arrival on the day of your appointment, you will be asked to remain in your car instead of the reception room. Simply call us when you arrive, and we will come to receive you in your car.

  • At that point, your temperature will be taken with a touchless infrared thermometer and your COVID-19 screening questions will be reviewed.

  • You will wear your favorite mask in or be given a mask and asked to wear it until you are seated in your chair. Escorted in the building without the use of your hands and asked to sanitize your hands with liquid hand sanitizer of 70% or higher upon entry.

  • At the beginning of every appointment, you will be asked to pre-rinse with OraCare. OraCare Mouth Rinse has anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral properties with ongoing testing for efficacy against the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2).

  • At the end of your appointment, you will be asked to re-don your mask to walk back out to your car. All scheduling and business transactions will be completed from your treatment seat with a payment agreement/arrangement made in advance and accomplished without touch or interaction with the front office personnel. Easier and safer for you.

  • We will be sharing the investment in our common protection for the added protective equipment and devices used to keep us safe and protected every step of the way. The fee will be added to your services for the day and part of the touch-free process.

Disinfection & Sanitization Steps by MAC Team Protecting Us All

Clean, MEAN?...no!, but caring bug fighting machine:

The guidelines and recommendations are ever-evolving and fluid with the novel coronavirus and our leaders in science and research are doing their best to apply the new data to the protocols as they become available. We watch these closely and attend regular courses to make sure that we are bringing you the cutting edge of timely protection. WE have anticipated certain potential recommendations and put them into place as added measures to protect all who enter.

Here is some of what we are doing:

  • Wiping doors, handles, switches, and common touchpoints while avoiding any touch from anyone other than team members who have thoroughly and frequently washed hands

  • Using products that are quality commercial grade disinfectants for use in dental offices for thoroughly cleaning surfaces and areas that are exposed to patients and team members

  • Sanitizing bathroom after each use

  • Monitoring everyone’s health and well-being of the team, patients, and those we encounter whether by phone or in-person

  • Asking each patient to brush thoroughly before coming to their appointment and having them rinse thoroughly before their treatment is begun

  • Maintaining safe distance with anyone not required to be in close contact with you

  • Staggering our schedule and amending our schedule template so that we protect the time of the patient with minimal interaction with others to honor physical distancing

  • Extra PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) such that we protect you and maintain protection in our fine care of your dental and health needs. Examples: Knee-length disposable gowns, N95 mask respirators, Level three masks and additional masks available to our visiting guests, Face shields, head, and chin disposable coverings, footwear coverings, dental uniforms to stay on-premises and be laundered at the end of each day, and care and education as to how and when to use it all.

  • Added equipment such as the Chairside Aerosol Suction and Microdust Collectors for each treatment room producing aerosols and the Pure Vac by Dentsply/Sirona which is a high suction with mirror tip allowing hygienists the ability to tackle aerosols generated at the onset and remove them before they can fill the air. Isolite suction and technique to minimize aerosols at the onset with the added use of regular rubber dams to isolate the treatment area, and more.

You can rest assured safety measures at MAC Family Dentistry will continue to evolve as more information develops. Dr. Martha Carr and her incredible and caring team will continue to advance and adapt for the benefit of all as more information develops.

We are so excited to see you and to continue on the journey to health and wellness and joy as we treat not only your smile, but YOU! We have missed you and cannot wait.

BIG SMILE filled welcome back from your caring and thoughtful dental team at Martha Anne Carr, DDS

Be Well!

If you would like references for more information:
Prevention, Symptoms, What to do if you are sick:

National information:

Louisiana specific information:

Here for you always….

And, I am always available for questions or concerns or to help you get to the answers you seek.
Simply call the office and push 4 to ring my cell phone directly (985) 238-3797

Martha Anne Carr, DDS and her dream Team … not quite superheroes, but aspiring to be.

admin none 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM Closed Closed dentist https://g.page/r/CZsmoMi3esG4EAg/review https://www.yelp.com/writeareview/biz/O4zi9_0vJrLN6fGmwY-KoQ?return_url=%2Fbiz%2FO4zi9_0vJrLN6fGmwY-KoQ&review_origin=biz-details-war-button www.marthacarrdds.com